I’m on Instagram!

As I begin final preparations for the release of Book 2 of the Majesta Landing Series, I decided to add Instagram to my social media @gaylemullenpace. There are icons in the right margin at the top. It’s fun, and it’s a great way to highlight the things I enjoy when I’m writing and when I’m not. You never know what I’ll post next–a book quote, a photo of delicious food made right in my own kitchen (writers have to eat, too!), story inspiration, writer’s humor, or an occasional photo of a hobby creation (I love to knit and crochet). To get you started, here’s a quote I posted on Instagram from Pictures for Maddie, my book starring Kody Raines and Larke Scott.

Pictures for Maddie Quote
Pictures for Maddie Quote

Heart of a Rose Series now at Amazon!

It was a long time in coming, but I finally did it with the help of a wonderful editor! The three novels comprising the Heart of a Rose Series have made the leap and are now available for Kindle at Amazon! Discover the wonderful world of Victorian London and immerse yourself in the story of Miranda Kingswood and the Earl of Hawk.

Heart of A Rose Series
Heart of A Rose Series

Unveiling The New Book Covers for the Heart of a Rose Series

With the professional editing of A Rose Beneath the Snow and A Rose in Summer nearing completion, it’s time to unveil the new covers! Ta -Dah! What do you think?

A Rose Beneath the Snow
A Rose Beneath the Snow
A Rose in Summer
A Rose in Summer

All the credit for these gorgeous covers goes to EDHGraphics. Erin Dameron-Hill took my scrap of thoughts and designed the covers using photos from the Romance Novel Covers (RNC) website. She captured perfectly the theme and mood for both novels. Aren’t they delicious? She also did the cover for Forsaken and will be designing the next two books in the series.

I wanted to release the novels for Kindle on Amazon.com and had received numerous requests for a paperback release. I decided that before I did that I needed to review the manuscripts and make sure there were no errors. Oh, was I in for a shock! Did I find mistakes in the manuscript that I had missed? Yes. And I kept finding them after six weeks. Frustrated, I finally cried uncle and contacted Jenny Quinlan at Historical Editorial. She’s wonderful to work with and kept me from having a nervous breakdown. She also made me think about scenes and why things unfolded the way they did. In several instances, I had to dig deep and do a complete rewrite which made for a better story, although the bones of each story remains the same. The changes are most obvious in the first half of A Rose Beneath the Snow and the second half of A Rose in Summer. Am I glad I did it? Yes. Was it worth the effort? Definitely!

As soon as I have a confirmed date for uploading the revised books, I’ll post it here. For now, I just wanted to unveil the new covers. Stay tuned for more updates!